Tuesday, 9 April 2013

Makgill Studio Visit

Studio Makgill.


Today, I visited Hamish at Studio Makgill. We had a very interesting chat about how they design and their views on design.

I asked him whether he thinks print has become more bespoke with smaller runs due to the rise in digital. He said there is definitely less mid-weight design required these days. More high end design requiring good print finishes but with lower runs. 

This makes sense in the current climate.


He also spoke about how although they are predominantly print based designers, they also produce environmental design as part of each brief. It is a natural extension.

Exactly what I try to do with each brief, as the deliverables get the product to as many outputs as possible.


It was a very insightful visit, with a very insightful chat. It was also good to see how the studio works and the vibes within the studio. We also got to see some of the design they had produced first hand. Putting into reality what he had been talking about.

They were great guys and even gave us a couple of posters as a gesture of good will.


Thanks Makgill.