Thursday, 16 May 2013

As part of my design context but also enabling me to secure industry links as part of my PPD, I sent a few questions on a current topic I am very interested in; 'Print is Dead.' I adapted the questions slightly and sent these to designers, printers and paper suppliers to see the varying responses.

This is the the response from Leeds based graphic designers Box-Head:


1. How do you think the current rise in digital has affected the way in which you design for print?

It hasn’t affected how we design for print. We find that editorial design and layout have lot’s of cross over with Design for Print and Design for Web

> 2. Are more clients requiring high spec print jobs than previously?

Yes and No. We find clients are using print for shorter run, more bespoke jobs, things that digital/web cannot do, Like Process heavy invites etc.

> 3. When working on a print job, is it necessary for you to take into consideration print processes and print finishes from the initial stages of the design process?

Yes - We normally get someone in from the printers/paper company to discuss potential specs and explore different paper stocks etc.

> 4. Do you use print processes in your designs to demonstrate the quality of the subject/content?
